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Our philosophy

The development of anti-racist strategies requires White people to see themselves as victims of the racist system.

A growing demand for Anti-Racism-Trainings lead to the foundation of Phoenix e.V.  This foundation was a first step towards standardisation of the independently developed methodology. We consciously decided to work in an intercultural context. Our trainers are White people and People of Colour (PoC). Our setup shifted from only PoC-trainers in the beginning to trainer groups of both PoC and White people. Two aspects of our analysis can be found in this method: Firstly, our work is based on the analysis of the experience of PoC in Germany. Secondly, the perspective and commitment of White people is essential when it comes to creating well-reflected strategies against racism. We regard any type of White solidarity with caution unless it is rooted in an analysis of their own socialisation.

In the process of developing strategies to oppose racism it is paramount that White people understand that they themselves are victims of the racist system. This enables them to discover new forms of acting in an anti-racist-discourse.

They need to be willing to listen to the Black perspective and analyses and to take analogous steps of reflection, coping and action. Similar to the question posed by Critical Whiteness Studies, we encourage them to become aware of their own role in the racist system.

We see our trainings as a contribution to removing the veil of ignorance and silence regarding racism and to enabling White people to get a realistic perception of racism. We want to leave behind arguments of guilt or individual failure in favour of new dimensions of White responsibility and intercultural communities.