(en) Mainmenü | Further activities | Against right-wing extremism – Activities in so-called No-Go-Areas

Against right-wing extremism

The strategy of Phoenix e.V. includes speeches, activities and trainings in the so-called No-Go-Areas

“I think of all the residents who experience that a part of society rejects them,”, says Dieter Gadischke, Phoenix-member from Bernau in Berlin. “The fact that Phoenix organises trainings in this area and that Phoenix trainers appreciate each participant by asking about their strategies for survival is an enormous support.”

In march 2003 several unaccompanied minor refugees from Fürstenwalde / Brandenburg took part at a training. This training attracted the attention of the NPD (far-right German political party). An announcement of the party’s local branch said that the training will attentively be observed and visited. Nevertheless, the training took place. Phoenix e.V. wanted to take a stand: “We won’t allow the right-extremists to dictate where we organise trainings,” says Andreas Mann, secretary of Phoenix e.V. “I was impressed by the way the police defended our training.”